I filmed this a while ago and forgot to upload/edit it! :0
Also, sorry there’s not much team interaction (this was closer to the beginning of us seeing each other since covid, so practice times were spread out)
Anyways, I hope y’all enjoy! please like, subscribe, and comment! Don’t forget to follow my socials:
IG: @jalaiyabartley
Tiktok: @jalaiyabart_
I loveeeee your videos!!! Xx
thank you so much Natalie! 🙂
This video was awesome!! It helps me to feel apart of your day because i Miss You so much ❤️
aw, I miss you too mommy! <3
I still haven’t found the correct way to crack an egg to where the shell doesn’t fall in
😂😂😂 maybe one day lol!
Love your vlogs!!
Where’s your hot friend? And where’s Koltons uploads? Also can you upload anything from your meets?
This was nice to watch😎
awe yay!! 🙂
One of the best day in the life’s I ever saw love you!-timpani
love you back!!
My favorite triple jumper!❤️
Wish I was the athletic
one day maybe!! 🙂
We do the same sport yayyyyy🥰
Ahhh yaaay!!!
This was before all the snow!! 😩
lol YES!! i filmed this about a month or so ago
Make more of these PLS!
i definitely will!!! ☺️ stay tuned!
@Jalaiya Bartley u have a new subscriber from the Netherlands !!!😛
“Chicken kinda taste like fart 💨 “ I’m weak 😂😂 Like the vid tho 👏🏾
had to be honest 😂😂 and thank you!
I love you Jalaiya
Yesss found another track college athlete love that 💜
What do you do in track? I throw disc and jav! 💕
i am a triple jumper 🙂
She is so beautiful 😩👉🏽👈🏽💯❤️and so goofy love it
thank you so much!! 🙂
You are gorgeous
thank you so much!
Brings back memories I used to hate going straight to class after practice 😂 keep up the good work baby girl 🙏🏾
“I know today is going to be a great day….why? Because I asked Jesus to have a great day.” (DOPE)
I’m in 6th grade and I’m really exited for college I do competition cheer,track and gymnastics and this is literally like my day except I don’t drive😂
miss,,,texas is not the south
please stop 🤣 that is the most ridiculous thing i’ve heard in a long time
@Jalaiya Bartley lmaoo, texas the midwest
@dripking 12 the fact that you really had me just go look it up, even though i already knew it was in the south, and all that came up said texas was definitely in the south 🤣 good try tho! LOL
What’s your track event? I got it… long jump / triple jump. Make it do what it do this season !!
yes i’m a jumper! i have recently retired from long jump lol so i’m just focusing on triple!
It’s jayda my daughter and she watching your vids
God bless you all ❤️🙏🏾💯
Jesus Christ is coming soon guys it’s never too late to give your life to the Lord I PROMISE YOU IT’S WORTH IT ! Have you ever had this feeling that something’s missing in your life ? Like you could have all the money and things you want but there’s still this void… you’re missing Jesus Christ, the Son of God !! when you give your life to the Lord it’s like this never ending feeling of fulfillment and joy overcomes you… like i promise you guys it’s worth it ! If you’re interested in getting saved say this beautiful prayer and mean it genuinely and you’ll be saved by the grace of God
“Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe You died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite You to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and Savior.
After getting saved you will need to continue to build your relationship with God which is possible through prayer, fasting, reading the Bible and even fellowship with other Christians. If you don’t know how to pray you can start off with The Our Father Prayer found in Matthew 6:9-13; and if you don’t know where to start when reading the Bible, start with the first four Gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Ik some versions of the Bible such as KJV may be hard to understand which is why i would recommend the NIV or the GNB for better understanding.
I’m not tryna come off as better or holier than anyone by sharing my faith but mannn if y’all only know how good God has been to me and how AMAZING He is to those who believe in him and seek him y’all would for sure wanna be involved in his unconditional love !! Leave your questions if you have any and i’ll try my best to answer them. I really love you all and pray that you will come to Christ❤️❤️❤️
Christ is the way, love the book in the beginning. Thanks for blogging