Ally Ryan, a senior at North Medford High School will be attending the London New Year’s Day Parade to perform as a cheerleader in London’s largest parade.

Ally was selected this past summer as an All-American at the NCA Get Shocked Cheer camp at U of O. Only the top 10% of cheerleaders across the country are selected and have the opportunity to participate in this special event.

Ally was also part of the Top Gun winning Coed Stunt group, and was a finalist in the Top Gun jumper competition.

North Medford Varsity team also won the Dance competition and got 2nd place in the team routine at camp.

Ally has been a member of the Coed Varsity team all 4 years at North Medford and has been a captain the last 2 years. She is looking forward to leading her team into Cheer competition season when she returns from London as they work their way towards the OSAA State Championships in February.

She flys out the day after Christmas for London. If you have any questions or would like to help support the trip contact

Pauline Ryan

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