Tablerock Sports’ Athlete of the Week: Olivia Lethlean

No, the rumor that Olivia Lethlean also sells hotdogs during North Medford’s softball game isn’t true, but from her play it is clear that she does do everything else to help out her team. Olivia, AKA, little Ms. do it all, has racked up some pretty impressive stats this season, batting .471 with nine RBIs, 17 runs scored, nine stolen bases and a home run.


She has helped her team capture a perfect record, a number two seeding in Oregon, and a first place seeding in the Southwest Conference, thus far. Im sure North is already looking ahead to the post season but for Olivia, she’s focused on getting wins right now, “Every win is huge…I just hope we are playing for each other and not worried about individual statistics (by the end of the season)…We can’t look that far ahead.”

Her stats aren’t all she brings to this North Medford team. “The biggest thing (she brings) is her competitive drive. The kid competes every day in practice and every day in center field. She’s going to give up her body to catch a ball, make a play or be safe. She works extremely hard and is an extremely competitive kid,” according to Mike Mayben, North Medford’s softball coach.

Besides softball, Olivia also has a passion for science. She will be following this passion at OIT, pursuing a degree in Biology and Health Sciences, on a full ride softball scholarship.

Stay tuned for more Athletes to come each week!


Kenny Morales