Week 18 In A Nutshell

The end of the regular season… 🙁
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100 Subs: 1/12/2021
1,000 Subs: 1/20/2021
10,000 Subs: 2/8/2021
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  1. CoolBowser says

    Michael Jordan has the same amount of TDs as Kenny G after a 72 million dollar contact. MJ is truly the GOAT of 2 sports 😤

  2. One Spoopy Boi says

    Honestly the Colts are geniuses for throwing that game to the Texans. Now they can jump them in the draft since Chicago doesn’t need a QB.

    • Fusion Cyborg says

      If you were subject to watching that game, then you checked in a free ticket to PTSD.

      Enjoy therapy then.

    • BIG D says

      @Fusion Cyborg I’m so glad it wasn’t televised anywhere in Australia. Not worth getting up at 5am to watch it tbh

  3. Fusion Cyborg says

    0:24 Texas teams and not being able to tank properly, name a more Iconic duo

    Oh yeah Texas teams and not being able to reach the conference championship games in the 21st century

  4. lingo kingo says

    Whenever the lions start doing trick plays, I just start cheering first down cause it usually seems to work out

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