The Summit Storm hosted the first of what they hope will be four ‘7-on-7’ Passing League practice sessions with local teams on Monday (6/23) against the Mountain View Cougars.

But this was not the intense cross town rivalry we can expect when they face off on Oct 3rd at Summit during the regular season, but was more like a series of friendly sandlot games.
Quarterbacks, Tight Ends, Wide Receivers and Running Backs practice against Linebackers and Defensive Backs, focusing on route running, timing, mechanics and reading defenders.
3rd year Summit Head Coach Joe Padilla says that events like the 7 on 7 helps spice up the off season regimen “It is nice to get out and throw around the football a little bit, friendly competition is nice too.”

Both teams were attending football camps last week with Summit going to Golden Coast in Northern California, and Mountain View going to Linfield’s camp.
Cougar’s wide receiver Dantly Wilcox, who was named an All-Star of the Linfield camp says he is looking forward to the fall “I am very excited and confident in what we are going to do.”
Wilcox, a multi-sport athlete placed 2nd in the Boys 300 meter hurdles at the 5a State Track and Field Championship, last month.
Summit will practice 7-on-7 with the 2013 State Champion Ridgeview Ravens next week.
A couple of things you may want to know about these games. One . . . they do keep score and it does matter, especially to the guys playing. Two . . . this is a very heated rivalry to the point that they hate each other. The working class boys from Mountain View are not to keen on the Silver Spoon boys from Summit. Believe me . . . I’m a Mountain View parent and have been around the football program for several years. Just living in Bend will teach you that the people working in the mines are on friendly terms with the people living up on the hill.